Alternate Definitions for coronal mass ejection

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Term: coronal mass ejection

An outflow of plasma from or through the solar corona. CMEs are often, but not always, associated with erupting prominences, disappearing solar filaments, and/or flares.  CMEs vary widely in structure, density, and velocity.  Large and fast CMEs can approach densities of 1016 g and velocities of 2000 km/s.  Earth impacting CMEs can result in significant geomagnetic storms.

Created 2023.04.16
Last Modified 2023.04.16
Contributed by Ryan McGranaghan
Term: coronal mass ejection

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an ejection of material from the solar corona, usually observed with a white-light coronagraph. The ejected material is a plasma consisting primarily of electrons and protons (in addition to small quantities of heavier elements such as helium, oxygen, and iron), plus the entrained coronal magnetic field.

Created 2023.04.16
Last Modified 2023.04.16
Contributed by Ryan McGranaghan