
Alternative definitions (12), class: vernacular (0)
Term: Calving
Definition: Terminus extends into lake or sea (Tidewater glacier); Produces icebergs; Any glacier that possesses 'Normal' frontal characteristics and is calving; Not to be used for 'Terrestrial calving' ('dry calving'); Terminus of a glacier sufficiently extending into sea or lake water to produce icebergs; includes - for this inventory - dry land calving which would be recognisable from the lowest glacier elevation (WGMS 1970, 1998); Terminus of a glacier sufficiently extending into sea or occasionally lake water to produce icebergs; includes - for this inventory - dry land calving (WGMS 1977); If the frontal terminus is calving on dry land see classification for 'Terrestrial calving'
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary